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Psychology is defined as the science of mind and study of complex human behaviour. Psychologists study the procedures, reactions , emotions and nature of human mind’ working. Psychologists or mental health professional give medication-free treatment that often called talking therapy, which involves long talking session by the patient for better understanding of thinking pattern and underlying causes of particular behaviour. All the steps used in the treatment simply modify the thinking process in a positive way.Hence, improving the holistic life.
Often psychologists evolves wide range of methods that established to help the desired changing needs of human being and social structures. Psychological treatment includes surveys and different researches and work as a catalyst in the process of diagnosing and treating people, thus also showingthe brighter side of psychotherapy as profession. Psychological tests often includes interest, intelligence ,personality and aptitude tests.
Eligibility criteria for student
We all think about what might psychologist do or how they work? This question can be answer as the fact that psychology is a vast subject and dealt with human behaviour so, wherever human beings are present their is possibility of intervention of psychologist.
There are specialized branches of psychology who deal with specific fields like
Sociological aspect of psychology deal with the thought process , feelings and behaviour of people in groups. What makes a person think in particular way , Their social and anti social behaviour falls and studied under this branch of study of psychology
It's an another popular areas of study of Psychology, which probably scared some people, but it provide possible solution for Abnormal behaviour , mental disorder and problems related psyche. professional and students of science stream are mainly interested in this field.
Counseling is a branch of psychology which specifically provide help with people having trouble in their physical ,mental ,social and emotional health, they also facilitate the inter personal and intra-personal relationship between humans and environment. in counseling also there are many specialized field like child psychology where is growth and development of child is measured by psychologist by using different psychological tools.
Another important branch of Psychology is industrial psychology or Organizational Psychology. In this field psychologist apply the theory and principals of psychology in the real work place and try to understand the practical problems facing by the workers . What are the hidden causes of low productivity of employees. Industrial psychology is very closely related with HR branch of Business Management as both studies human behaviour , their motivation , job satisfaction and needs in the relation to their work place.
The aggregate is calculated on the basis of highest marks in four subjects. Marks secured in a language, marks secured in the subject in which admission is sought and marks secured in any other 2 academic/elective subjects. The degree offered is BA Psychology (hons).
The cut off for the admission is mostly very high for Lady Sri Ram College which range 96-98 percentage across different streams.
Admission : The university offered Graduate degree in Psychology i.e. BA Psychology ( Hons). Entrance test is the basis of admission conducted every year by University ( BHU UET)
Admission : The cut off for BA( Hons) is very high as every student desires to take admission in this college. The selection procedure based on the merit of marks obtained in 12th exams.
Entrance test, merit and interview is basis of admission in different streams like BA(Hons), BA communication and Media studies with Psychology . For other degrees related to Psychology, the Skill Assessment and academics records is needed.
In this branch of psychology the consumer behaviour is studied like why he purchase certain things ? These are specialized professional hired by big companies in order to accumulate the marketing strategies that attract more buyer for their products.
Educational Psychology is emerging as a very popular stream of subject psychology, which deal with student and its need They broadly studied everything comes under in the category teacher, student and environment whether it’s study material, teaching studying tools, teacher behaviour or the school environment and any other issue comes in between. The main purpose of education psychology is to facilitate student in every possible way so that they can achieve the desired goals by aiding the student solving in their problem related to education.
This branch of psychology is not so popular in India but in many countries it emerged as a different branch of psychology that help soldiers to overcome from post war stress and traumas , that affects their mental , physical and social well being. it’s a complex option among others branches of psychology yet very popular in many countries.
This branch of psychology deal with the human behaviour in the light of law. Forensic psychology is working with the criminal justice process. The professional of this specialized branch utilize the application of psychological theories and principles in legal procedures. This includes custody of child by a family , violence risk assessment and social science researches.
Media psychology is an emerging branch of psychology that give stress on the interaction of human behavior and technology specially Media. This branch gives opportunity to professionals to work as consultant and many other roles in film, television news broadcasting and videos.
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